2 min read

Global Tourism Futures in China and around the world: Destination Heritage or Destination Future?

Global Tourism Futures in China and around the world: Destination Heritage or Destination Future?

Dear reader,

we are really living in Schumpeter times, with creative destruction ruling from violent protests against overtourism to unheard of developments in the elections in the USA.

Destination Heritage or Destination Future? is the title question of the most important workshop this summer for tourism experts and practicioners, the Global Tourism Futures 2024.

As mentioned already last week, the Global Tourism Futures 2024 event is organised by EURAC in Bolzano/Bozen with the support of COTRI and HERO on August 22 and 23, 2024.

If you have the opportunity to participate in person and to join your humble editor, please register on the EURAC website here.

The complete programme has been published now and can be downloaded from the website. Participation is free of charge including meals and transport up the mountain to the dinner and back. However, participants will have to make your own arrangements for travel and accommodation. Information about this including timetables and hotel information can also be found on the website.

For those unable to come to Bozen in person, there will be the opportunity to participate online. For the link again please refer to the website a few days before the event.

One of the keynote speakers, coming all the way from China for the workshop, will be Prof. Taylor Zhang (Zhang Chaozhi). He is a professor of sustainable tourism at Fudan University in Shanghai/China. Many years ago, your humble editor even shared an apartment with him as a visiting professor, while Taylor was still at the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.

His research concerns primarily the development of heritage tourism destinations but he has also worked and published on Chinese outbound tourism. He is committed to promote international mutual understanding and collaboration among the heritage and tourism sectors in Asian countries, with a dedicated effort to translate research into practical policies.

So your humble editor hopes to meet you in the Dolomites! As already mentioned in last week’s edition, COTRI Weekly Editorial will take a summer break for a few weeks. When we come back, there will be certainly a report on the Global Tourism Future 2024 workshop.

As always, all best wishes from Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt and the entire COTRI INTELLIGENCE team!